To avoid $100 rescheduling fee
please adhere to 72-hour Cancellation Policy


60 days

01  NO hair-growth-stimulating products on area to be treated (Latisse, Lash-boost, Revitalash).

30 days

01  DON'T use skincare products containing Retin-A, Retinol (Vitamin A), Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Glycolic Acid (AHA), Lactic Acid.
02  DON'T Exfoliate (Dermabrasion, Derma-planing, Derma-rolling, Chemical peels, Micro-dermabrasion).
03  DON'T get Botox injections for face-related procedures.
04  DO bring written release for your specific procedure from physician if you take products for treatment of Glaucoma or if you take Insulin.
05  DO bring copy of lab work showing current (1-day prior) blood counts if undergoing chemotherapy.
06  DO consult with physician if you take antibiotics before dental procedures.

07 days

01   DON'T take supplements/natural blood thinners (Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Flaxseed, Turmeric).
02  DO let us know, at the time of scheduling, if you are taking a prescription blood thinner.
03  DON'T wax, thread, tweeze, tint or do anything to your face for facial procedures.

02 days

01  NO alcohol.
02  NO OTC NSAIDS (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve).
03  NO Acetaminophen.

day of procedure

01  NO caffein. DO bring glasses to appointment.
02  DO bring glasses to appointment.
03  DO pencil in your brows if you typically do so and/or bring in photo of brows.


01  Gently cleanse treated area with a mild antibacterial soap.
02  Apply a light glaze of the ointment provided.
03  Use a new Q-tip every time ointment is applied. Never use your fingers!

DAYS 1-10

01  Showering is fine.
02  NO submerging treated area (bath, pools, hot tubs).
03  NO heavy sweating.
04  NO saunas, steam rooms, tanning beds, direct sun.
05  Never pick or scrub the treated area.

day 8

01  Begin using sunblock on treated area to prevent fading.
02  Reapply as needed.

day 15

01  Go ahead and make that Botox appointment. Your newly Micro-bladed brows have had enough time to heal.
02  Eyeliner - wear Sunglasses whenever outside.

days 32-64

01  Four to eight weeks touch-up appointment are included as part of all new procedures.
02  Only NEW procedures include the touch-up appointment.
03  Pigment color adjustments and other refinements are part of the process.
04  The touch-up session in necessary for all clients. 


01  Eyebrows (Microblade) Very little, if any.
02  Breast & Scar Camouflaging may have swelling for first 2-3 days.